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Ski piste grooming with injection system

Injection bars may be used on pistes of all types in winter at a snowpack depth of at least 40 cm in a single operation.

The proven ski piste grooming system causes the ski piste to be considerably more resistant to mechanical influences. Disintegration of the ski piste is inhibited to a significant degree because the density underfoot continually increases.

Furthermore, the ski piste is considerably more resistant to ambient temperature influences  (Foehn winds, solar radiation, + temperature etc.)

Up to six injection bars may be coupled consecutively where the water supply allows.

Preparation with Injection bar:

  • The surface underfoot does not freeze
  • Evently distributed snow density
  • Cost-efficient
  • Resistant against temperature effects and mechanical stress
  • The ski piste does not disintegrate

Traditional ski piste grooming

  • Only surface irrigation
  • The ski piste can break easily
  • Surface icing
  • Susceptible to temperature influences

Injection System

The injection bar system sprays water arbitrarity far below the snwopck, wherebly its active duration and water pressure precisely regulates the hardness of the ski piste. The surface layer of the ski piste remains largely dry, as the water is injected approx. 30 cm below the snowpack surface. In contrast to surface irrigation that hardens the ski pilste, the injection bar system hardens the ski piste from below upwards, thereby retraining uniformity. No further treatment is necessary, either pior or after the injection bar actuation. Consequently, the ski piste becomes restistant against mechanical stresses and temperture effects. A hard ski piste may also be achieved through radiation at above-zero temperatures without teh need for chemical supplements.

Traditional System

In order to achieve a ski piste that does justice to the requirements and demands of contemporary ski racing and use of carving skis or snowboards, the traditional method has irrigated the snowpack surface with water. In this manner, the surface and largely unevenly distributed water seeps through the snowpack surface and then begins to freeze downwards. This results in an icy crust of limited thickness at best, that disintegrates easily.

  • The surface underfoot does not freeze
  • Evently distributed snow density
  • Cost-efficient
  • Resistant against temperature effects and mechanical stress
  • The ski piste does not disintegrate
